Please sign the petition at
After reporting to her superiors incidents of faculty, staff and students receiving disparate treatment on the basis of race - and while suffering from depression brought on by the stress of the situation, my friend, Felecia Duggins, was demoted from Principal of her high school in Delaware. She filed suit against her school district, alleging violations of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act... but the school district was granted summary judgment on her claims, as has been reported in several media outlets, including the Washington Post, the Middletown Transcript and WDEL.
There is, of course, more to the story than was reported in the media. This fine high school administrator and educator in Delaware has been mistreated, demoted and maligned at public expense, all while the Appoquinimink School District asks taxpayers to support an upcoming referendum to finance more of its activities.
Felecia needs the support of people who care about public education, and she needs it right now.
Felecia has requested a hearing to present testimony and evidence to the Board about: - Disparate treatment of faculty, staff & students on the basis of race; - Refusal to acknowledge or address the hostile climate created by such disparate treatment; - Failure to comply with the District's drug testing policy; and - Violation of Delaware Performance Appraisal System requirements in conducting Summative Evaluations.
Please sign the online petition requesting a hearing for Felecia Duggins before the Appoquinimink Board of Education, and forward this to anyone you think might be interested and supportive. A Timeline of events in the Felecia Duggins case can be found here.
Thank you for helping to give the Appoquinimink Board of Education an opportunity to address the serious issues underlying Felecia's case.